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TOP 10 Challenges ERP Consulting


Updated: Jul 12, 2023

This article is to share with our customers and business partners about the TOP 10 challenges that our team of consultants has successfully implemented in recent years. Our job is, in 70% of cases, the implementation of ERP Infor M3 in any country in the world, so here are the main challenges that we have faced since 2007, date from the foundation of Izzdone Consulting. We will then expose each of the challenges in a simple sentence. Finally, we would like to get some feedback from our customers and partners where they can comment and add other challenges that they also encountered in the implementation of their ERP.

Number 10 – Electronic Invoice of Goods and Services

Brazil, Mexico and Chile are amongst the important issuers of electronic invoices in LATAM and Brazil is the largest issuer of electronic tax documents through its many electronic invoicing models. These uses of these different systems are determined by the invoicing of products or services either to companies or consumers. Depending on the product category they will be reported to one of many e-invoicing systems. It is one of the most consolidated systems in the world. In Europe, Portugal is in the beginning of this requirement but the challenge is coming also with the QR Code and Unique Document Code (ATCUD).

Number 9 – Data Extraction

A friendly tool to extract all types of information from the ERP and receive it in many formats... (obviously Excel is the one I prefer). Easy to use, safe and flexible.

Number 8 – Importation Process of Goods

Track and trace an import process, where the challenge is to accurately calculate all associated import costs and taxes. Normally carried out by the customs agent with the exchange rate on the day of import, this process will have to be accurately reflected in the ERP so that the apportionment of import costs by product is successful.

Number 7 – Drop Shipment, MUC Transactions and Transfer Pricing

Drop shipping is an order fulfillment method where a store doesn’t keep the products it sells in stock. Instead, the seller purchases inventory as needed from a third party—usually a wholesaler or manufacturer—to fulfill orders.

Number 6 – Backflushing

Backflushing is automatic accounting of material consumed for production, at the time of confirmation. Eg. When a 4-wheeler automobile is rolled out from assembly line, 4 wheels & Tyres are deemed to be consumed and issued to production order automatically by way of backflushing by the system. Important warning: negative stocks are allowed using this functionality.

Number 5 – Automated Supplier Invoices Processing - Facilitator

Possibility of scanning and registering the Invoices automatically, Possibility of processing XML or TXT files of Invoices, Invoices can be registered with or without Purchase Order, Control of price deviation with automatic or manual approval, Different access levels per user, Automatic Fiscal Classification and Automatic Taxes Calculation.

Number 4 – Distribution Order Interface

Using the ERP M3 with the MBR (Brazilian Market Modifications) installed, is not possible in the current version of M3 to generate the Electronic Invoice (NFe) in the standard process of M3 of the Distribution Order. The modification consists of when the user confirms the exit of goods, the new program can collect all the relevant data informed and create a batch order. After that, and using standard programs, the NFe can be generated by using the invoicing program.

Number 3 – Automatic Bank Payments SEPA

Automatic process of sending to the Bank from the ERP the list of Documents Payable and respective return from the Bank with the list of paid and unpaid documents. SEPA payments in Europe, Non-SEPA payments outside Europe, Boleto in Brazil and Vale Vista in Chile.

Number 2 – Project Order Management

Project management exists in almost all companies regardless of the business area. The uses of project management also vary significantly, from project-oriented companies to companies where the use of projects, as a method to get work done, is only an exception. Broad spectrums of activities are carried out using projects as a working method, but the activities all have common denominators.

Number 1 – Historic Actual Cost

The inventory value and the profit & loss statement are updated with the real costs incurred during the period. The historic actual cost is used for auditing purposes and as an aid in assessing to which extent the company’s product costs are accurate.

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