Activity Report ®
Activity Report on-line system to collect hours and expenses spent by the consultants in the projects. Developed in Java Script and JSON the system allows us to manage the projects by activities and control the budget​
Main Functions:
Collect Tasks in hours and Travel Expenses by Project, Subproject, Activity, Resource, Date, Place and Short Description of the activity
Tasks managing and approved by Project Manager
Multi Currency system with automatic upadate of Exchange Rates
Budget by Project, Subproject, Activity and Resource
Resources Price List
Alerts to the Project Manager when the Budget is over
Travel Expense Codes and Payments Methods defined by the user
Tasks Status field - Inserted, Concluded, Approve, To be invoiced, Invoiced
External Documents (PDF Contracts) attached to the Projects
Send Tasks to the ERP system to be invoiced (API)
Maintenance Contracts Management. Allerts by date
Export Tasks to Excel. Standard spreadsheets by week to be sent to the customers
Travel Expenses Report
Prepare the Invoicing. Print the task approved not invoiced by period
Available KPI's: Planned Value, Actual Cost, Earned Value, ROI, Cost Variance, Cost Perfomance, Cost of Manging Process, Planned hours of work vs actual situation, Overdue project tasks, Schedule Variance & Perfomance, Missed Milestones, Percentage of Tasks completed, Resouce utilization, Percentage of project completed on time, Percentage of canceled project